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2023-03-08 16:20:26品牌问答1


if you feel my love Blaxy Girls 里面有京剧《铡美案》的一小段唱.


The scene layout pays attention to freehand brushwork, tone to xipi, erhuang mainly, with the accompaniment of huqin and gongs and drums.


Regarded as the quintessence of Chinese culture, Chinese opera tops the list.


Peking Opera travels all over the world, with Beijing as the center and throughout China.


It has become an important medium to introduce and spread traditional Chinese art and culture.


On November 16, 2010, Beijing Opera was listed in the representative list of world intangible cultural heritage.


Mary is my best friend . She is 14 years old ,and from the U.K . She is very like Beijing Opera .

Today,she goes to Beijing Opera Movie theatre . Mary doesn't know how to buy ticket . She asked a well-wisher ,and finally, under the help of Teacher Wang get the ticket .Marie thanked her very much.She thinks that Wang is a good person.


The four professions of opera are life, morality, cleanliness and ugliness.

The roles and characteristics of being clean and ugly are different.

Life is divided into wusheng, laosheng, xiaosheng and doll life.

Dan is divided into Zhengdan, Hua Dan, Laodan and Wudan.

The net can be divided into three categories: positive net, auxiliary net and wujing.

Ugly deeds play negative characters, but also play positive characters.


说一首这久在听的一首歌if you feel my love京剧版,一开始听很奇怪,为啥一首英文歌会混杂京剧,听过几遍才觉得京剧和英语兼职完美契合,再一看京剧出自经典的铡美案,而歌中京剧原唱则为京剧大师梅葆玖,梅兰芳的第九子,很惭愧用这样的方式认识国粹京剧大师还有如此与时俱进的唱法,建议楼主可以去听一听。


文歌曲是个女生唱的,中间插的一段京剧是if you feel my love。

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